
Why Should Cannabis Be Legalized Nationally

By |2023-04-23T23:15:46-05:00April 23rd,|Categories: Legalization|Tags: |

Why Should Cannabis Be Legalized Nationally; There are several reasons why cannabis should be legalized nationally. First and foremost, legalization would help to reduce the number of people who are incarcerated for nonviolent drug offenses. Currently, a large percentage of individuals who are in jail or prison are there for drug-related crimes, many of which involve marijuana. By legalizing cannabis, we can redirect law enforcement resources towards more pressing issues and reduce the burden on our criminal justice system.


Why Is Marijuana Still Federally Illegal

By |2023-04-23T06:29:02-05:00April 23rd,|Categories: Legalization|Tags: , , , |

Marijuana, also known as cannabis, has been a topic of debate for decades. Despite the growing acceptance of marijuana for medical and recreational use in many states, it remains federally illegal.

It’s Okay to Change Your Mind about Pot

By |2022-04-18T10:46:40-05:00January 19th,|Categories: Legalization|Tags: , |

It’s okay to change your mind about pot use because your opinion has been based on information produced and paid for by the alcohol and pharmaceutical industries for the past 50 years and more recently the prison industry has been kicking in even more bullshit.

The marijuana laws of the United States could be the biggest scam in American politics; if that’s even possible


You do understand why they do this don’t you? Legal weed cuts into their profits.

Everything you’ve […]

Washington State’s First Legalized Weed Report

By |2022-12-13T11:44:52-05:00August 26th,|Categories: Legalization|Tags: |

Washington State’s First Legalized Weed Report. I-502 Evaluation Plan and Preliminary Report on Implementation

The State of Washington finalized it’s September 2015 evaluation report on legalized marijuana. You can download the report with the link below or open it up and read it right here.Washington's first report about marijuna

Washington’s population:  7,062,000

Ohio’s population: 11,590,000

Washington’s gross sales June 2014 thru June 2015:

Medical: $27 million

Non-medical: $122.7 million

Non-medical sales are for […]

Ohio Pot Legalization-Huge Disappointment

By |2022-08-16T08:18:28-05:00September 27th,|Categories: Legalization|Tags: , |

After about 48 years of on and off marijuana use, which makes me a criminal in the state of Ohio, I’m ready to move to a state where it’s legal. The discussion about marijuana legalization is so profoundly idiotic and politically influenced, I’m embarrassed for the people who believe marijuana should still be illegal; especially if they are alcohol or prescription medication users. If I do need an attorney concerning cannabis I’ll consult with the Thorburn Law […]

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